Who benefits from this new feature and why?
Account ID: 3822 // Starin and anyone who ship's TV's on pallets.
They will benefit from this feature because Smart Packing will not try to pack a TV standing up tall, on its back, or on the front when packing onto a pallet.
This will greatly reduce the manual changes the customer must do on proposed shipments and rates will be more accurate.
User Experience
Customers will be able to flag that a SKU is a 'TV' via the Product Micro Service in the ShipHawk UI.
When a proposed shipment is generated in ShipHawk, the pallet dimensions will represent that 'TV' packed onto the Pallet in the correct way --> standing upright.
Acceptance Criteria
  • User can set some sort of flag on SKUs in PMS that will identify it as a 'TV'
  • When rating, the Packing Algorithm will always pack this SKU standing upright onto a pallet.
  • When a Proposed Shipment (Smart Packing) is generated in ShipHawk, the Pallet dimensions will represent that the 'TV' is standing upright; no on standing tall-wise, on its back, or on its front-side.
Attached photo of how a TV should always be packed onto a pallet
Please review test Order in Starin's ShipHawk Production account 'NEWTVTEST' --> SKU '65UT640S0UA': item_type = 'unpacked' , unpacked_item_type = 'box' / dimensions = '62.5 x 7.75 x 38.5'
Smart Packing chooses pallet '48x40' which measures '48x40x4' // Packs the box upwards (standing straight up --> 66.5 inches high
Smart Packing chooses '65x40' pallet which measures '65x40x4' // Packs then TV box standing upright --> 42.5 inches high
Our system is clearly choosing the cheapest way to pack this Order so it's excluding the '65x40x4' pallet entirely and resulting in packing this TV standing tall-wise